Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I was looking through some old CD books last night and came across some forgotten goodness, old 80's punk in the form of Black Flag and Dead Kennedy's. So, I have been digging on that as of late. song makes me want to rip some stuff up. Put in the ear buds, take the next plane to Ukraine, taxi on to the Maidan, wade right in, and start cracking some statist skulls.
For liberty!  For anarchy!

Funny thing, or maybe not so funny, is how applicable the social critiques of Biafra and Rollins still are.

In this video, from the early 80's, the Kennedy's are ripping on Governor Jerry Brown.
Yes. That one.
And no, these cat's aren't prophetic. We just keep electing the same a**clowns.
 Little wonder that little has changed.

So while I rediscover some early 80's punk, California can rediscover a**clown Jerry Brown.

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