Thursday, September 18, 2014

Brigitta Jonsdottir and Iceland's Pirate Party

I'm quite impressed with the political movements in Iceland and their ability to achieve results.

I knew that they kept their government from approving a banker bailout like the TARP program here in the U.S. I've also heard a bit about the Pirate Party but I guess I need to do some more research.

I'd like to see peaceful political change along these lines here but, after the disappointment of both the Tea Party and the Occupy movement it appears that we are missing something.

I hold out hope that what's missing isn't 2nd amendment remedies.

Maybe we just need more folks like Birgitta Jonsdottir.

Check out this Motherboard article on Brigitta and the Pirate Party's stance that Iceland should be a safe haven for data. Interesting stuff.

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